Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “Questions to Consider When Waking, by Bernadette Miller
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “The Worst Thing”, by Chelan Harkin
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

One Spirit Celebrates 20 Years!

Watch One Spirit’s 2022 Commencement!
Enjoy our 2022 Commencement celebrating our Interspiritual Companioning & Counseling graduates and our Interfaith Seminary graduates from the classes of 2020, 2021, and 2022!

Companioning in the Workplace
Rev. Nathan Brisby discusses his approach to Companioning in the Workplace and what to expect from this 8-Class intensive.

Graduate Spotlight
One Spirit Interspiritual Counseling Graduate Sister Monica Clare shares how she joined TikTok to demystify life in the convent and offer a window into their cloistered experiences. “We’re not all grim old ladies reading the Bible,” one nun said.

Graduate Spotlight
Rev. Ganga Devi Braun, One Spirit Seminary Class of 2020 shares about her experience in seminary and how she co-founded a spiritual learning community called the School of Living Jewishly.

Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “Consider the Octopus” by Colette Volkema DeNooyer
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

Graduate Spotlight
2007 Seminary Graduate Mary Ann Brussat, author and co-founder of Spirituality & Practice, discusses her work and the creation of Spiritual Literacy Certificate Programs.

Metaphor Poem
Metaphor Poem
Created by the participants in the “Wonderment and the Art of Being Alive” workshop led by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer