Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “Why I Picked Those Carrots” by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

One Spirit’s Antiracism Efforts
As part of our antiracism efforts, we are currently taking action to disrupt and dismantle white supremacy and become better ancestors for future generations.

Thanksgiving Resources that Honor America’s First Peoples
Did you Know that November is National Native American Heritage Month? With this in mind, we share some practices and resources, and we hope you find them as rich as we do.

You Spoke. We Listened.

A Groundbreaking Change at One Spirit’s Seminary
One Spirit is overhauling the tuition structure for our Seminary program and will be implementing a Fair Share Tuition Policy.
A Groundbreaking Change at One Spirit’s Seminary

Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “Marathon” by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: No Trophy, But - Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

Diane’s Inspiration Poetry Corner
Poem: “Saint Francis & the Sow” by Galway Kinnell
Each month we will share a poem selected by our Founder & Spiritual Director Rev. Diane Berke.

An updated name for our Antiracism work
The DEI taskforce has been thinking about a more forceful way to present our work through our name.