Directory Guidelines for Graduates
Policies, Instructions, and Frequently Asked Questions
Policies, Principles, and Guidelines
By posting to the 1spirit.org directory, you agree to adhere to the instructions on this page as well as our Code of Ethics, Common Welfare / Fair Use Principles. and the Listing Agreement. Please review these to be sure your listings are in alignment with One Spirit’s policies:
Code of Ethics (linked here)
Common Welfare / Fair Use Principles (linked here)
Listing Agreement (linked here)
Privacy and Safety Considerations
It is up to each individual to choose the level of privacy they wish to use in their listing:
Map locations are displayed to visitors. While you are able to be as specific as your street address, we recommend being no more specific than your zip code.
The Email Address field is hidden from visitors. If a user clicks the “connect” button, a form will allow them to send you a message without disclosing your email address.
Social media profiles are displayed to the public (they are optional). Only list accounts that you monitor regularly, and that align with the spiritual services you wish to promote through the directory in conjunction with the Common Welfare / Fair Use Principles.
Instructions for Creating Your Listing
You will find the following fields on your directory listing. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are required for all profiles.
First Name / Last Name*: If you are ordained, begin the first name with Rev. (Please abbreviate and punctuate correctly).
Profile Photo*: Click the icon to upload a clear well-lit headshot of your face. If you upload a photo and it does not feature your face, please crop the photo and try uploading again. All computers, tablets, and phones offer the capability to crop photos. To learn how, search google.com for “How do I crop a photo on my ?” (insert device name, e.g., Windows 10 Computer, iPhone, Galaxy S20, etc.)
Subtitle*: Approximately 10-15 words to summarize yourself (appears as up to three lines on the directory list)
Description*: Up to 825 characters and spaces (approximately 125 words) to introduce yourself and give visitors an opportunity to get to know you. NOTE: If you are not able to edit the text, you have too many characters in this field: copy the text to a text editor to cut down to 825 characters. Please note: Listings that contain over 825 characters remaining unedited at launch will be redacted.
Location*: You may be as specific (street address) or general (“Texas”) as you wish. As you type, suggested locations will appear in the list below. Click one of the suggestions to accept it as your location. IMPORTANT: This will be visible to the public. We recommend being no more specific than your ZIP code.
Search for Diversity: Graduates who are Black, Indigenous, and/or People Of Color’ are encouraged to select “BIPOC Graduate” in this field. We proudly feature BIPOC graduates on the directory to provide an easy way for visitors who wish to work with BIPOC service providers to find them and to show young people in the BIPOC community that Spiritual Leadership can look like them.
Spoken Languages: Select the language(s) in which you are prepared to offer your services. If your language is not listed among the available selections, please email directory@1spirit.org and request an addition to your listing.
Populations: (counseling directory only) These are easily searchable by visitors. Select the populations you wish to serve or specialize in.
Specialties*: (seminary directory) These are easily searchable by visitors. Select the services you wish to offer from the provided list of activities supported by your training.
Modalities: (counseling directory) These are easily searchable by visitors. Select the modalities you work with from the provided list of methods supported by your training.
Certifications: This field is editable only by admins. If you wish to apply one or more certifications to your profile, please email documentation/certificate, to directory@1spirit.org. The available certifications for this field are as follows:
Mental Health Counselor (requires proof of licensure)
Ordained Minister (requires documentation from an accepted training program for non-One Spirit grads)
Spiritual Counselor / Companion (requires documentation from an accepted training program for non-One Spirit grads)
Spiritual Counseling for Uncertain Times (requires completion of Companions in Care)
Chaplaincy (requires documentation of 1 or more CEU credits)
End of Life / Hospice Care (Requires documentation from an accepted training program)
Other Professional Services: Here you may list up to four professional services extracurricular from your One Spirit training that you wish for your visitors to know about and/or search for.
Image Gallery: A place where you may opt to upload additional photos.
Email Address*: This is hidden to the public. When visitors click the “Connect” button, their message will be sent to this address. NOTE: Changing this address does NOT change your account login.
Website: link to your website
Social Media Profiles: These are optional. Insert the URLs to your social media profiles if you wish. NOTE: This may increase the number of ways that visitors may connect with you, so only list accounts you monitor regularly, and only those that align with the spiritual services you wish to promote through the directory.
One Spirit Affiliate: The “One Spirit Affiliate” heading over listings on the search page apply to graduates who are affiliated with One Spirit through ongoing connection and alignment with One Spirit through continuing education, offering volunteer service, and financially supporting the organization. If your listing is not correctly labeled, or if you wish to start/renew affiliation, please email an inquiry to affiliation@1spirit.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
About the Directory
I’m not a One Spirit graduate. Can I be listed?
The directory lists only graduates of One Spirit’s Seminary and Interspiritual Companioning and Counseling programs. Graduates of other seminaries and training programs may meet this requirement by enrolling in one of our programs and then affiliating with One Spirit on an ongoing basis.
How do I create a listing?
Review the Video Guide for Graduates [link] – extremely helpful for visual learners.
Go to 1spirit.org/graduates/ and choose Seminary or Counseling
Click the “Account” button: a Login window will pop up.
Click the “Sign up” link and enter your email address and choose a password.
Sign In using the email address and password you just entered.
Click the “Add Entry” button to create your listing.
NOTE: Please refer to the “Creating Your Directory Listing” & FAQ on this page for field-by-field guidelines and policies.Important Privacy Action: make sure that you are comfortable with the map location. We recommend being no more specific than your zip code.
Click the “ADD ENTRY” button at the bottom of the form to submit your listing. It will be submitted for moderator review and approved within 2 business days.
Why are there two directories?
It’s clearer to laypersons / visitors that the graduates of each program offer inherently different services. Plus, having two directories allows us to customize listings for each program and service offered.
Can I enter multiple listings?
Graduates may have only one listing in each directory for the program(s) they completed. Graduates from both programs can have two listings: one in each directory (listings must be created and maintained separately).
How are the listings ordered in the search results?
One Spirit Affiliates are featured first as representatives of the organization, followed by graduates who aren’t affiliated or who are affiliated elsewhere. Graduates are then listed at random so as not to favor listings by arbitrary alphabetization.
How do I become listed as a “One Spirit Affiliate?”
This “One Spirit Affiliate” heading over listings on the search page apply to graduates who are affiliated with One Spirit through ongoing connection and alignment with One Spirit through continuing education, offering volunteer service, and financially supporting the organization. If your listing is not correctly labelled, or if you wish to start/renew affiliation, please email an inquiry to affiliation@1spirit.org.
What if I notice something that violates the Directory Guidelines, Common Welfare Guidelines, or Code of Ethics?
Please let us know by emailing directory@1spirit.org and/or Ilene Sameth, CEO.
About Your Listing
How do I change my login?
Password: To change your password, click the Account button, or on the login screen, click the “Forgot Password” link.
Email Address: Changing the email address on your listing does not alter the email on your account login. If you need to change the email on your login, please email a request to directory@1spirit.org.
I’m not able to edit my Description. Why is this?
The Description field has a limit of 825 characters, and your description is at or over this limit. To fix this, just copy the text from your description and paste it into a text editor. Try this free online tool with a character counter: https://wordcounter.net/ (opens in a new window).
Once the description is less than 825 characters, return to the directory, delete what's in your description field, and paste in your new text.
Why are some people’s listing over the limit of 825 characters?
Graduates who were on the old directory were Imported to this new directory. While the developer locks the Description field if it is over the limit of 825 characters, we were able to import the old descriptions in full so that graduates would have a chance to edit them down. People with more than 825 characters simply haven’t had a chance to edit their listing down.
Before the directory launches to the public on June 12, all listings will need to meet this limit; listings that don’t meet the limit will be redacted.
Why are there limits to the lengths of the subtitle and description text?
The subtitle needs to be three lines to provide a uniform and cohesive look to the directory. The description limit is imposed by the software developer. Plus, blessed are the brief. 😇
What if my language is missing from the list of Spoken Languages?
We would be delighted to add your language to the list & to your listing! Please email your request to directory@1spirit.org.
Why is missing from the Specializations / Modalities / Populations list?
The Specializations list on the Seminary directory and the Modalities and Populations Lists on the Counseling directory have been curated to represent what is taught in each program. If you believe something is missing, please email your inquiry to directory@1spirit.org. In the meantime, please consider `entering it in “Other Professional Services.”
How do I add a certification?
Please email directory@1spirit.org to request that a certification be added to your listing and for any certification completed outside of One Spirit, attach documentation of your certification.
Other questions?
We’re here for you! Please let us know by emailing directory@1spirit.org