Antiracism, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Antiracism Statement
Racism destroys: our souls, our humanity, our planet. Racism creates lies. And lies tear and thrash at the wondrous tapestry of life. Violence, fear and separation are its language. White supremacy is its fuel. It dishonors and diminishes us all.
One Spirit Learning Alliance is compelled by its mission, vision and values to disrupt and dismantle all that intentionally kills another being, physically or spiritually.
Therefore, One Spirit is committing to become an antiracist organization and dismantling systemic racism and white supremacy. This requires that we examine and change the organization: its culture and systems, policies and practices, curriculum and activities, as well as cultivation and recruitment. One Spirit must take a stand for the flourishing of all human beings by fighting against subjugation.
We pledge to integrate spirituality with human justice. In serving and seeking to heal and restore, we will not surrender our Oneness. We are One Spirit. A transgression against one is a transgression against all, and we envision and move toward a world where inequity and racism are parables of the past. Through humility, learning and sacred service, we commit to human equity. Lies will be put aside, and love shall stand stronger within us, proclaiming: I treasure you, I see you, I see you shining.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Antiracism
Our Approach:
Embracing the call to awaken to the suffering of others impacted by institutional racism and finding ways to be of service in response.
Examining spiritual leadership through the lens of white privilege and supremacy culture.
Embracing the power of your story and ‘culture add’ as a catalyst for spiritual growth, especially as members of underrepresented and marginalized groups.
Exploring how Interspirituality serves as a vehicle for authentically engaging diverse communities and proactively dismantling racist and other exclusionary practices in religious-spiritual settings.
Educating ourselves and our communities about diversity, equity, and inclusion, including strategies for engaging in conversations that address the impact of power dynamics within a white-dominant, patriarchal society.
We are currently working on a complete and transparent plan for One Spirit including the following:
Curriculum updates
Vendor relationships
Antiracism training for staff
Antiracism training for graduates
Changes in recruitment
Changes in representation among staff and board